Survey on Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations (MEHKO) Available
Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations (MEHKOs) are small, home-based restaurants that people can run out of their own kitchens. This option became possible thanks to a law called Assembly Bill 626, signed in 2018 and effective January 1, 2019. The law allows individuals to cook and sell food directly from their homes—but only if their County opts into the program.
Local cities and counties can choose whether to allow MEHKOs in their areas. If they do, the home kitchens need a permit from the Environmental Health Department to operate. Inyo County and the Environmental Health Department received a small grant from the State of California to use as we gather local input on whether or not MEHKO is a good idea for Inyo. Please take a few minutes to complete this 10-question survey and let us know how you feel.