Inyo County Local Transportation Commission

The Inyo County Local Transportation Commission (ICLTC) is a six-member commission that serves as the State mandated Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) for Inyo County. Representation on the ICLTC consists of two members each from the Inyo County Board of Supervisors and the Bishop City Council, while the remaining two seats are Board and Council appointed at-large representatives. The Inyo County Public Works Director serves as the Executive Director of the ICLTC. Follow the corresponding link to view the ICLTC By-Laws and Organization and Procedures Manual.


 The ICLTC prepares an annual Overall Work Program and a Regional Transportation Plan every four years, as well as programming projects into transportation improvement programs. The ICLTC also administers Transportation Development Act (TDA) funds and prioritizes grant funding endorsements from a variety of programs. The TDA involves two major funding sources: the Local Transportation Fund (LTF) and the State Transit Assistance Fund (STA). TDA funds can be used by the City of Bishop and the County of Inyo for transportation planning, expenses related to administering the TDA, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, the transit system, and/or for street and road projects. STA funding is allocated to transit operators and is a second source of TDA funding for transportation planning and mass transportation purposes. The ICLTC convenes noticed public hearings on the third Wednesday of every month to address transportation issues.


Voting Members
  • Celeste Berg - City of Bishop, Member At-Large (Chair)
  • Jose Garcia - City of Bishop, Council Member
  • Scott Marcellin - County of Inyo, Board of Supervisors Member
  • Stephen Muchovej- City of Bishop, Council Member
  • Jeffery Ray - County of Inyo, Member At-Large (Vice Chair)
  • Jennifer Roeser - County of Inyo, Board of Supervisors Member
Alternate Members
  • Will Wadelton - County of Inyo, Alternate Board of Supervisors Member 
  • Karen Kong - City of Bishop, Alternate Council Member
Non-Voting Members
  • Michael Errante - Executive Director
  • Tina Chinzi  - Commission Secretary

Inyo County LTC works in cooperation with various state agencies and other planning organizations throughout the state to ensure a coordinated approach to transportation planning. Inyo County LTC is a member of the Eastern California Transportation Planning Partnership. The Eastern California Transportation Planning Partnership comprises representatives from Inyo, Kern, Mono and San Bernardino counties, and Caltrans. It is intended to address transportation corridors of mutual concern, such as State Routes 14, 58 and U.S. 395. Route improvements in eastern California will ensure that vital tourism, public transportation and freight movement interests among all regions are properly addressed over the next several decades. 

If you have any questions, comments, or other feedback, please call (760) 878-0202 or send LTC staff an e-mail message.

Inyo County LTC

Street Address

168 N. Edwards St.
Independence, CA93526
United States

Mailing Address

P.O. Drawer Q
Independence, CA93526
United States

News Items: Inyo County Local Transportation Commission

Unsafe conditiosn for pedestrians on Old Spanish Trail downtown Tecopa
Downtown Tecopa
The Active Transportation Program (ATP) was created by California Senate Bill 99 in 2013 to encourage increased use of active modes of transportation…
Cover of DKS proposal

Inyo County Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Network Plan

Inyo County has contracted with DKS to develop an Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastucture Network Plan (Plan) for Inyo County. The Plan will outline a path forward to install effective and equitable EV charging infrastructure throughout Inyo County and to electrify the county-owned vehicle fleet by gathering data, evaluating the physical and financial feasibility of expanding the charging network in the county, and conducting a site analysis for EV charging locations, with an emphasis on county-operated properties. 


US 85 CA

U.S. Bicycle Route - US 85 CA

The application for USBR 85 in California has been approved by the Special Committee on US Route Numbering. US Bicycle Route 85 from Oregon to Barstow covers a total distance of 788.5 miles passing through 9 counties and cities.

There will be an Adventure Cycling press release in late June so stay tuned for upcoming information on this exciting new development!


Inyo County LTC

Street Address

168 N. Edwards St.
Independence, CA93526
United States

Mailing Address

P.O. Drawer Q
Independence, CA93526
United States

Public Transportation