County Administrator's Office

The primary role of the Office of the County Administrator is to work with the Board of Supervisors and department heads to provide the highest level of service to the people of Inyo County. The Office is responsible for ensuring the policies of, and directions from, the Board of Supervisors are implemented and make policy recommendations to the Board when appropriate.

The Office of the County Administrator, in conjunction with the Office of the Auditor-Controller, prepares and presents the annual County Budget, and manages and oversees the budget during the Fiscal Year.

In addition, the Office encompasses the following divisions: Clerk of the Board, County Library, Economic Development, Emergency Services, Eastern California Museum, Information Services, Motor Pool, Personnel, Public Defender, Purchasing, and Risk Management. The Office also provides fiscal and administrative support to the Coroner's Office.

Other functions of the County Administrator's Office are to:

  • Plan, monitor, and oversee County operations, ensuring that Board of Supervisors policies are carried out in the most cost-effective manner.
  • Formulate short and long-range plans and budgets.
  • Review, monitor, and recommend County structure, programs, services, and budgets.
  • Recommend, interpret, and carry out and enforce Board policies.
  • Supervise the administration of all department heads and units of government over which the Board of Supervisors has responsibility.
  • Prepare and coordinate Board agendas.
  • Review legislation for potential impacts to the County and prepare appropriate recommendations.
  • Represent the Board in the County's intergovernmental relations.


Street Address

224 N. Edwards St.
Independence, CA93526
United States

Mailing Address

PO Drawer N
Independence, CA93526
United States

Regular Hours

News Items: County Administrator's Office

Blurred human figure with palms up and the word Budget resting on top and surrounded by digital-looking symbols.
Budget hearings for the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 CAO Recommended Budget will begin at 9 a.m. Tuesday, September 10. The public is encouraged to…
Beige and brown building with sign that says Statham Hall
Meetings will feature Supervisor Matt Kingsley, Treasurer-Tax Collector Alisha McMurtrie, and Environmental Health Director Jerry Oser presenting…
overcast sky above rock outcropping in desert

Inyo County Film Commission

The Inyo County Film Commission is a member of the Film Liaisons in California, Statewide (FLICS). The Film Commission assists productions with locations, permits, resources, and local knowledge, and strives to be a one-stop shop for production companies looking to film on location in Inyo County. Reach out today so we can help make your shoot a successful one.

Film Commissioner: Jesse Steele

(760) 938-0144 

Instagram: @inyofilm

Click here for more information on Inyo County filming permits.

County Administrator's Office Documents

Videos: County Administrator's Office


Street Address

224 N. Edwards St.
Independence, CA93526
United States

Mailing Address

PO Drawer N
Independence, CA93526
United States

Regular Hours

Inyo County Strategic Plan 2024-2026

Cover sheet for strategic plan showing text on photo of highway leading to snow-covered mountains

Click here to see the public portal and submissions used to develop this document.

How to Report Suspected Fraud