Environmental Docs

Environmental Documents

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) was passed in 1970 to create a statewide policy of environmental protection. CEQA requires state and local agencies within California to follow a process that informs the public of certain environmental impacts. A part of that process may include filing environmental documents with the County Clerk.

Filing Fees rates increase on 01/01/2025 - see increases below

California Department of Fish and Wildlife imposes an environmental document filing fee to defray the costs of managing and protecting California’s vast fish and wildlife resources, including, but not limited to, consulting with other public agencies, reviewing environmental documents, recommending mitigation measures, and developing monitoring programs.

Filing Fees are due when environmental documents are filed with the county clerk’s office. Checks should be made payable to the Inyo County Clerk.

For more information on filing fees, please refer to California Code of Regulations, title 14, section 753.5.

The filing fees for environmental documents are adjusted annually by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Check back in November of every year to see the new fees. 

CEQA Fees Effective January 1, 2025

Negative Declaration$2,968.75

Mitigated Negative Declaration$2,968.75

Environmental Impact Report: $4,123.50

Environmental Document to a CRP$1,401.75

County Clerk Processing Fee: $50.00

Fee exemptions

The CEQA filing fee will be waived if a project will have no effect on fish and wildlife as determined by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. 

View Environmental Filings