updated: January 10, 2024

In early 2020 the Federal Government, along with State and Local governments, declared a public health emergency and undertook preventive and proactive measures to slow the spread of the virus and treat those affected. Thanks to a very collaborative response effort of professionals and community members working together to combat the COVID-19, we are in a better place in our response than we were three years ago, and we can transition away from the emergency phase.

On February 28, 2023, the Inyo County Health Officer ended the Local Public Health Emergency and aligned public health efforts and programs with State and Federal requirements.  The Inyo County Public Health team will continue to monitor respiratory illnesses circulating throughout our community, along with other communicable diseases, and use infection prevention education, guidance, support, and measures as needed.


Five-step prevention measures that are proven to reduce the spread of respiratory viruses:

  1. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and warm water OR hand sanitizer;
  2. Cough and/or sneeze into your elbow or arm;
  3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth;
  4. Wear a mask – An effective mask has both good fit and good filtration. Learn more about effective mask wearing here: [English] or [Spanish];
  5. Stay home when sick! – Individuals may return to work/school/childcare after symptoms have resolved, including at least 24 hours passed since resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications.

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Guidance for Businesses: In workplaces, employers are subject to the CalOSHA COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) or in some workplaces the Cal/OSHA Aerosol Transmissible Diseases (ATD) standard and should consult those regulations for additional applicable requirements.

>> CDPH is maintaining the requirement that businesses and venue operators, including K-12 school and childcare settings, must allow any individual to wear a mask if they desire to.

COVID-19 Testing

COVID-19 Testing

  • At-Home Tests through USPS: As of September 25, 2023, residential households in the U.S. can order one set of #4 free at-home tests from again. Click here.
  • At-⁠Home Tests through Public Health / HHS: Tests in Health & Human Service will be distributed to individuals who are uninsured or have limited access to healthcare resources (or in schools and organizations that primarily serve children under age 18, distributed in accordance with CDPH guidance)
  • Insurance Reimbursement for At-⁠Home Tests: Contact your health insurance company to learn how to request reimbursement. 
  • At-⁠Home Tests at Retailers and Pharmacies: At-⁠home tests are available for sale through local retailers and pharmacies.

Vaccine Clinics

Vaccine Clinics

COVID-19 Vaccine Schedule

Vaccinate 58 (CDPH)

Use this chart to help determine when to receive COVID-19 vaccine based on age or health conditions.

COVID-19 Treatments

Sesame & other Treatments

If you have COVID-19 symptoms, talk to a health care provider right away to explore your options for treatment.

COVID-19 Vaccinations

Inyo County Public Health clinic is currently not able to provide any COVID-19 vaccines. If you would like to receive this vaccine please call your primary care provider or local pharmacy for COVID-19 vaccination services.