Rules of Procedure
County of Inyo Board Governance and Rules of Procedure
Governance is the act of transforming the needs and desires of the community into policies that direct the organization. The Board of Supervisors serves as a team dedicated to the act of responsible governance, and the way in which each team member performs his or her role is critical. Whether in Board Chambers, out in the community or at home, Board members are always stewards and the public face of the County.
The integrity of the County’s reputation is dependent upon the responsible and professional manner in which each Board member, and the Board collectively, fulfills governance roles and responsibilities. The demeanor of the governance team members sends an important message to employees and the public. In all relationships, dealings and transactions, Board members should act with integrity, openness, respect and honesty. Through these values, the governance team strives to earn and convey trust. The team retains public trust through efficient and cost- effective stewardship of resources.
Utilizing effective governance practices, private citizens, once elected to the Board of Supervisors, work with the County Administrator to keep the organization’s efforts focused on its mission, values and strategic goals. The community elects Board members to set and monitor the direction of the County with the County Administrator, who translates this direction into action. It is therefore vital that the Board and County Administrator maintain a respectful and productive working relationship based on trust and open communication.
When the governance team performs their duties effectively, the opportunity to create a climate for excellence increases dramatically.