NARCAN: Resources
What is Naloxone?
Naloxone, also known as NARCAN, is a safe and effective medication that can reverse an overdose from opioids, including prescription painkillers, heroin, and/or fentanyl. Naloxone is available over the counter without a prescription. If you or a loved one are experiencing an addiction or are prescribed powerful narcotic painkillers, you should have naloxone on hand.
Signs of an Overdose
How to Respond to an Overdose
- Check for responsiveness – take precautions to avoid contact with Fentanyl
- Call 9-1-1
- Administer Nalxone/NARCAN
- Provide chest compressions (CPR) if the person does not respond to the medication
- Re-administer NARCAN after 3 minutes (if the person did not respond) or if the person overdoses again when the medication wears off in 45-90 minutes.
Good Samaritan Laws
AB 472, California’s 911 Good Samaritan law, provides limited protection from arrest, charge and prosecution for people who seek emergency medical assistance at the scene of a suspected drug overdose.
What does this mean? Many overdose deaths are preventable, yet people often fear arrest if they call 9-1-1 for help at the scene of a drug overdose. Good Samaritan Laws are designed to encourage people to seek medical care for the overdose victim by providing limited protection from arrest, charge, and/or prosecution for low-level drug violations.
Where to Find FREE Naloxone/NARCAN
- Tuesdays and Thursdays | 1:00 to 4:00 pm
Clint Quilter County Office Building
Inyo County Public Health Clinic
1360 N. Main Street, Bishop CA 93514
(enter through the main lobby)
- Request NARCAN and/or other tools to be mailed to you: ICPH – Request Form
- National access to naloxone:
- To schedule a NARCAN Training for your group or agency email:
Opioid Overdose Continues to be the Leading Cause of Accidental Death in the U.S.
Approximately every 8 minutes, on average, a person dies from an opioid overdose. There are many reasons for opioid overdose emergencies, and most often they happen accidentally and at home.
Are Opioids in Your Home?
Common Generic Names, Brand Names and Drug Names of Opioids:
List Format: Name - Type
- Oxycodone - Generic
- Acetaminophen with codeine phosphate - Generic
- Opium - Drug
- OxyContin® - Branded
- Roxicodone® - Branded
- Oxecta® - Branded
- Lorcet® - Branded
- Oxaydo® - Branded
- Xtampza ER® - Branded
- Percodan® - Branded
- Targiniq® - Branded
- Xartemis XR® - Branded
- Oxycet® - Branded
- Roxicet® - Branded
- Tylox® - Branded
- Percocet® - Branded
- Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen - Generic
- Vicodin - Branded
- Norco® - Branded
- Zamicet® - Branded
- Verdrocet® - Branded
- Lortab® - Branded
- Anexsia® - Branded
- Co-Gesic® - Branded
- Hycet® - Branded
- Liquicet® - Branded
- Maxidone® - Branded
- Xodol 10/300® - Branded
- Zolvit® - Branded
- Zydone® - Branded
- Hydrocodone bitartrate - Generic
- Sysingla® - Branded
- Zohydro ER® - Branded
- Hydrocodone-Homatropine - Generic
- Hycodan® - Branded
- Hydromet® - Branded
- Hyrdocodone-Ibuprofen - Generic
- Ibudone® - Branded
- Xylon 10® - Branded
- Reprexain® - Branded
- Vicoprofen® - Branded
- Pseudoephedrine-Hydrocodone - Generic
- Rezira® - Branded
- Hydrocodone-Clorpheniramine - Generic
- Vituz® - Branded
- Hydrocodone-Cpm-Pseudoephed - Generic
- Zutripro® - Branded
- Morphine - Generic
- Duramorph® - Branded
- Infumorph P/F® - Branded
- MS Contin® - Branded
- Oramorph SR® - Branded
- Avinza® - Branded
- Arymo ER® - Branded
- Kadian® - Branded
- Morphabond® - Branded
- Roxanol-T® - Branded
- Morphine-Naltrexone - Generic
- Embeda® - Branded
- Hydromorphone - Generic
- Dilaudid® - Branded
- Exalgo® - Branded
- Palladone® - Branded
- Fentanyl Cirtrate - Generic
- Actiq® - Branded
- Fentora® - Branded
- Abstral® - Branded
- Lazanda® - Branded
- Onsolis® - Branded
- Sublimaze® - Branded
- Fentanyl - Generic
- Duragesic® - Branded
- Subsys® - Branded
- Codeine Poli-Chlorphenir Poli - Generic
- Tuzistra XR® - Branded
- Methadone - Generic
- Dolophine® - Branded
- Methadone Hydrochloride - Generic
- Methadose® - Branded
- Morphine Sulfate - Generic
- Oxymorphone Hydrochloride - Generic
- Opana® - Branded
- Meperidine - Generic
- Demerol® - Branded
- Tramadol - Generic
- Carfentanil - Generic
- Buprenorphine - Generic
- Subatex® - Branded
- Buprenex® - Branded
- Butrans® - Branded
- Probuphine® - Branded
- Heroin - Drug
This list may not include every opioid available. Always check with your healthcare professional. Registered trademarks are the property of their respective owner.