Inyo - Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)

PO Drawer L

Independence, CA 93526

Phone: 760-878-0263

FAX: 760-872-2712

Purpose of Inyo LAFCO

The Inyo Local Agency Formation Commission's (LAFCO's) role is to ensure the orderly formation of local government agencies, to preserve agricultural and open space lands and to discourage urban sprawl.  LAFCO serves the City of Bishop and over 30 special districts located within the boundaries of Inyo County, California.

On September 26, 2000, Governor Gray Davis signed into law AB 2838 (Chapter 761, Statutes of 2000), authored by Assembly Speaker Robert M. Hertzberg. This legislation, titled the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000, marked the most significant reform to local government reorganization law since the 1963 statute that created local agency formation commissions (LAFCOs) in each county. The legislation resulted from the recommendations of the Commission on Local Governance for the 21st Century, created by legislation enacted in 1997. The Commission's recommendations were included in its final report, titled Growth Within Bounds, issued on January 20, 2000. The Commission ceased to exist on July 1, 2000, pursuant to a statutory sunset provision.

Members of the Inyo LAFCO


Jeff Griffiths - Inyo County  

Scott Marcellin - Inyo County (Chairperson)

Karen Kong - City of Bishop (Vice-Chairperson)

Stephen Muchovej 

Allen Toby - Public 

Trina Orrill - Alternate: Inyo County

Jose Garcia - Alternate: City of Bishop


Cathreen Richards - Executive Officer & Planning Director

Sally Faircloth - Staff Analyst & Clerk

Counsel - John Vallejo

LAFCO Meetings

Inyo LAFCO will be holding a meeting, on January 15, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. At the Clint Quilter County Consolidated Office Building at 1360 N. Main Street, Conference Room 109, Bishop California 93514.