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The Civil Rights Compliance Program is governed by The California Department of Social Services and Division 21. The Civil Rights program ensures that all clients receive equal access to services and are free from discrimination and/or harassment due to a disability or protected class. The Civil Rights Coordinator investigates all matters of discrimination complaints from clients in addition to the following activity:
- Civil Rights Audits
- Language Accessibility Services
- Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Compliance
- Investigation of Client Complaints
Discrimination Complaint: If you feel that the county has discriminated against you, you can make a discrimination complaint to the County's Civil Right's Coordinator.
- If the discrimination also affects your benefits or services, you must also ask for a state hearing (Appeal) or resolve through Client Concerns if you wish to challenge the County's decision on your benefits or services.
How to File a Discrimination Complaint
What Kind of Complaints Can be Filed?
Discrimination complaints submitted for investigation must be based on one or more of the following:
- Age
- Ancestry
- Color
- Disability
- Gender
- Gender Expression
- Gender Identity
- Marital Status
- National Origin
- Political Affiliation
- Race
- Religion
- Retaliation
- Sex
- Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Orientation
- Other
If you think there is discrimination that does not fit any of the factors above but you believe it should be, please state it
A Complainant can file a complaint verbally or in writing
- A complainant can email or call direct:
Lori Bengochia
Civil Rights Coordinator
1360 N. Main Street Suite 201
Bishop, CA 93514
Office: 760-872-3273
Fax: 760-873-6505
The information that the Civil Rights Coordinator will likely need includes the following:
- Client/Applicant name and contact information
- The basis of the complaint (e.g. race, gender, religion)
- The discriminatory action(s) taken against the complainant (e.g. denial of benefits, no reasonable accommodation made, etc.)
- The actual date(s) the incident(s) took place.
- The names, job title, division, location of the individual(s) accused of discrimination.
- A detailed explanation of the sequence of events which you believe to be discriminatory.
- The specific action or corrective measure the complainant is seeking.