Public Health Programs

The Public Health and Prevention Division works to promote and encourage healthy behaviors, prevent the spread of disease, improve early child development, prevent injuries, respond to disasters that impact the medical and health delivery system, assist communities in recovery, and assure the quality and accessibility of health services throughout the county.


For more information, please contact
Inyo County Health & Human Services
Public Health & Prevention Division at:
p. (760) 873-7868

f. (760) 873-7800


Public Health Clinic: Walk-In Services – The Inyo County Public Health Immunization Program works to reduce vaccine-preventable diseases by improving vaccine coverage, conducting disease investigations/control, and by providing education, community collaboration, assessment, and Immunization Registry services.

Free Immunizations for Everyone:

  • Influenza (6 months and older) - October to June

Adult Vaccines (>18 years old):
must be eligible for the VFA/BAP program (Uninsured or Underinsured)

Childhood Vaccines (<18 years old):
must be eligible for the VFC program (Medi-Cal Eligible, Uninsured, or American Indian or Alaskan Native)

  • MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
  • Hep A
  • Hep B
  • DTaP
  • Tdap
  • Polio
  • Varicella 
  • HPV
  • Meningococcal
  • Coming Fall 2024-Winter 2025: RSV

Immunizations At-Cost:

  • Adult Hep B (20+ years old)
  • Tdap (10 to 64 years old) - available with Health Officer consult if patient is 6-9 years old or over the age of 64.

Family Planning Services (free for qualified individuals)

  • Pregnancy Testing 
    • If client is determined pregnant, client will receive verification for emergency Medi-Cal coverage and WIC services
  • STI Testing and Treatment
  • HIV Testing and Case Management
  • Free Condoms
  • Birth Control - referrals
  • Termination Services - referrals

Other Services:

  • FREE - TB Assessment for Schools (children, teachers, and volunteers)
  • $10.00 - TB Test Placement – PPD (usually for preschool/daycare staff and volunteers, city staff and volunteers, county employees, etc.)


NARCAN Education and Distribution – FREE –Naloxone, also known as NARCAN, is a safe and effective medication that can reverse an overdose from opioids, including prescription painkillers, heroin, and/or fentanyl. The Public Health team works with Community Based Organizations to offer NARCAN trainings and distribution. If you or a loved are experiencing an addiction or are prescribed powerful narcotic painkillers, you should have naloxone on hand.


Communicable Disease/Outbreak – The Public Health team works to promptly identify, prevent and control infectious diseases that pose a threat to public health, including emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, vaccine-preventable agents, bacterial toxins, bioterrorism, and pandemics.


California Children Services (CCS Program) – CCS is a state program that helps children with certain diseases, physical limitations, or chronic health problems. Through this program, children up to 21 years old can get the health care and services they need. For more information about CCS visit your local office or go to 


Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Division (MCAH) – The Maternal Child and Adolescent Health Program (MCAH) develops prevention and early intervention strategies to promote the health of the women, infants, children, and adolescents of Inyo County with a special focus on low-income populations.


ADAP / HIV Case Management – The AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) is for people diagnosed with HIV or AIDS. 


Disaster Preparedness – The Disaster Team manages public health consequences of emergency events through effective, coordinated agency-wide preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation activities. Disaster Preparedness is responsible for emergency planning and training within public health and health care services, and coordinates disaster inventories for emergency response and recovery. It serves as the forum for developing and maintaining emergency response plans.




Person Sneezing. Got Symptoms? Get tested. Get treated.



With respiratory virus transmission increasing in Inyo County, resolve to take simple safety measures, like staying home, testing, and getting treatment if sick. The safest and easiest way to limit your risks of becoming very sick from COVID-19 or Influenza is by getting the updated vaccine. Testing and knowing if you are infected can reduce your chances of unintentionally spreading to others. If you are returning to school or work after holiday travel and gathering, consider taking an at-home COVID-19 test if you are coughing, sneezing, have a sore throat, or fever.


Stay home and away from others if you’re sick to avoid spreading the respiratory virus to others. It is especially important to protect older adults and people who are more vulnerable to severe illness if infected. If you develop COVID-19 symptoms and test negative for the virus, it is recommended that you take a second COVID-19 test 48 hours after the first one if symptoms persist. Even if you test negative for COVID-19, you may have another respiratory infection, like flu or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).


  1. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  2. Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
  3. Wear a mask in crowded or enclosed settings, especially if you're not feeling well.
  4. Practice physical distancing by staying at least 6 feet away from individuals who are not from your household.
  5. Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  6. Clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces daily.
  7. Follow public health guidelines and stay informed about the latest recommendations.

At-home COVID-19 tests are easy to use and available in Inyo County through your local pharmacy or Public Health, if eligible.

Public Health Clinic

PH Clinic Location

Clint Quilter County Office Building
– Public Health Clinic –
1360 N. Main Street, Suite 117
Bishop, California 93514

Clinic Hours:
Every Tuesday & Thursday:
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

For more information call:

(760) 873-7868 

Walk-Ins are welcome.

Influenza Vaccine Clinics

Vaccinate Inyo

Find available clinics for:

  • Flu Shots

Resource Request Form


No-cost resources/tools are available to be mailed to Inyo County residents by completing the online request form. 

Available Resources & Tools:

  • Condoms
  • Pregnancy Test
  • OTC COVID-19 Tests
  • Med. Disposal Bag

updated: 04/05/23

After Vaccination Health Checker

v-safe after vaccination health checker

Use your smartphone to tell CDC how you, or your dependent, feel after getting any dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Your participation in v-safe helps us monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines for everyone.

Looking for Your Immunization Record?

California Immunization Registry (CAIR2)

The California Immunization Registry (CAIR2) is a secure, confidential, statewide computerized immunization information system for California residents.

Prevent Overdoses

Save a life by preventing opioid overdoses

If you or a loved are experiencing an addiction or are prescribed powerful narcotic painkillers, you should have naloxone on hand. Learn the signs of an overdose and be prepared.