Strategic Planning Initiatives
The Inyo County Board of Supervisors has embarked on an effort to develop and adopt a Strategic Plan for the County of Inyo organization. Led by CAO Nate Greenberg and the Administration Team, the effort has included the solicitation of ideas and other feedback from Department Heads as well as the general public.
Strategic Planning allows an organization to clearly articulate a vision for its future, and ultimately
allocate the resources necessary to execute that plan. While Inyo County has a recurring effort to
establish a Legislative Platform and effectively determine priorities based on budgetary allocation, it has
not conducted a complete strategic planning exercise since the Inyo 2020 exercise which took place
nearly 25 years ago.
Given the large number of significant projects being undertaken by the organization,
and a limited set of resources, developing and adopting a multi-year strategic plan will greatly help staff
and the Board ensure that the right priorities are being focused on, and the appropriate resources are
assigned to make sure that initiatives can be effectively executed.
The timeline for the Strategic Planning effort is as follows:
November 7, 2023 - Board Kickoff Presentation
December 2023 through January 2024 - Data Gathering Efforts
November 28, 2023 - Visit from The Ferguson Group to review organizational priorities with Board members and Department Heads
Early January 2024 - Data Analysis Effort
January 10, 2024 - High-Level Strategy Workshop
January through mid-February 2024 - Continued Data Gathering Efforts with the Public
February 22, 2024 - Project Planning & Priority Setting Workshop
March 2024 - Delivery of Draft Strategic Plan
A public portal is available for adding goals, initiatives, and efforts to a growing list of ideas. The survey tool can be accessed at (or by scanning the QR code below).