Planning Commission Appeals
Per Inyo County Code Section 18.81.030, any decision on zoning matters made by the Planning Commission is final unless appealed to the Board of Supervisors within 15 calendar days after the date of the decision. The appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the Board's Office. Per Inyo County Code Section 3.60.020, a non-refundable $300 fee must be paid to the Clerk of the Board at the time the appeal is filed.
Valid notices of appeal will be forwarded to Inyo County Planning Department staff, who will present the appeal during a public hearing scheduled at the convenience of the Board of the Supervisors.
The Board of Supervisors, at the conclusion of the hearing on any appeal filed pursuant to Title 18 of Inyo County Code, may sustain, modify or overrule the action of the planning director or Planning Commission in the matter, or may refer any such matter back to the planning director or Planning Commission. The final order of the Board of Supervisors on any such appeal shall be effective forthwith.
Inyo County Clerk of the Board
P.O. Drawer N
Independence, CA 93526
Assistant Clerk of the Board
224 N. Edwards St.
Independence, CA93526
United States
P.O. Drawer N
Independence, CA93526
United States
Assistant Clerk of the Board
224 N. Edwards St.
Independence, CA93526
United States
P.O. Drawer N
Independence, CA93526
United States