who are the county supervisors?
The current members of the Inyo County Board of Supervisors are:
District 1 - Dan Totheroh*
District 2 - Jeff Griffiths
District 3 - Rick Pucci
District 4 - Jennifer Roeser**
District 5 - Matt Kingsley
*Chair ** Vice Chair
How do I contact A Board Member?
Contact information for the Board of Supervisors can be found in the County Directory and the Board's home page. Individual contact information for each Supervisor is available on the District web pages.
Who is my district supervisor?
The Board of Supervisors is comprised of five members, each representing a different area of the county from Round Valley to Charleston View. To find out which Board member represents your community, use our online District Lookup tool or call the Assistant Clerk of the Board at 760.878.0373.
When does the board of supervisors meet?
With some exceptions, the Board meets regularly every Tuesday according to a calendar published every fall/winter. Please refer to the Board's meeting calendar for specific dates. Agendas for the meetings are published online, and video of the meetings themselves is streamed live over the Internet.
Where Does the board of supervisors meet?
The Board meets in the Board Chambers in the County Administrative Center in Independence, located adjacent to and just north of the historic Inyo County Courthouse.
The physical address is:
224 N. Edwards St.
Independence, CA 93526
Once a year, the Board holds a meeting in Southeast Inyo County at the Hurlbut-Rook Community Center in Tecopa. The business portion of the meeting is usually preceded by a tour and/or workshops in Death Valley National Park or other nearby areas.
How long do Board meetings last?
The length of each meeting varies depending on the subject matters up for discussion.
where do I find the board meeting agenda?
The agenda is posted online approximately six days prior to the upcoming meeting. If there are any addendums to the published description these are also posted, usually on the Friday preceding the meeting. A printed copy of the agenda and any addendums are also posted outside the Supervisors Chambers, on the bulletin board outside of the County Administrative Center at 224 N. Edwards St., Independence, CA.
How Can I get a copy of the agenda?
Extra copies of the agenda are available on Board meeting days in the lobby of the County Administrative Center and inside the Board Chambers themselves. The Assistant Clerk of the Board also emails a copy of the agenda and a link to the online agenda packet each week. To add your email to this weekly mailing, contact the Assistant Clerk of the Board at 760.878.0373 or dellis@inyocounty.us.
How do I address the Board at a Board of Supervisors regular meeting?
Members of the public may address the Board of Supervisors in person on matters listed on the published meeting agenda when the Board Chair opens the item for public comment (exceptions include items such as Introductions, County Department Reports, and Board Member and Staff Reports). The Board Chair will call for comments specifically related to Closed Session at the start of the meeting, and prior to the Board convening in Closed Session.
Agenda items categorized on the Consent Calendar are commonly approved with one motion by the Board. If the item you wish to comment on is categorized on the Consent Calendar, you may request the Board move the item to the Departmental portion of the agenda for discussion. The Board Chair will ask his or her fellow members of the Board if they wish to move any items from the Consent Calendar prior to calling for a vote.
At the time you speak:
• Step up to the podium and state your name and town of residence for the record (Providing your name is voluntary).
• If you have written material to present to the Board, please provide eight (8) copies to the Clerk present in the room during a meeting.
• Confine your comments to the context of the agenda item under consideration.
Guidance for addressing the Board during COVID-19 restrictions can be found here.
How may I speak on an item that is not on the Board's Agenda?
Matters not included on a regular meeting agenda and within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board may be addressed by members of the public during separate Public Comment periods. There are two Public Comment periods scheduled for each Board of Supervisors meeting and they are announced by the Chairperson (one after the Board reconvenes from Closed Session, and one prior to adjournment of the meeting). California law prohibits the Board from taking action on any matter which is not on the posted agenda.
Public Comment periods may be limited or modified by the Board Chair or by majority vote of the Board.
Can I (the public) place something on the Board of Supervisors Agenda?
No, only the Board of Supervisors, Department Heads, and the County Administrative Officer/Clerk of the Board can place items on the agenda. If a member of the public wishes to address the Board on an issue that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors, the person can do so during one of the scheduled Public Comment periods.
How can I get Copies of Documents from the Board of Supervisors' Records?
Public Board of Supervisors documents not available on the County website - such as the fiscal year budget, minutes of Board proceedings, staff reports and other backup material for agenda items, responses to the annual Grand Jury Report, annual Committee Appointment lists, proclamations, MOUs and policies - can be requested from the Assistant Clerk of the Board. Click here for more information.
How do I appeal a property tax assessment?
You may file an Application for Changed Assessment with the Clerk of the Board's Office. More information is available here.
How Do I Appeal a Decision of the Planning Commission?
Appeals of Planning Commission decisions must be filed with the Assistant Clerk of the Board of Supervisors within 15 days of the decision, and must be accompanied by a non-refundable $300 fee payable to the Clerk of the Board. Refer to Inyo County Code Sections 18.81.030 and 3.60.020.
How Do I Apply for a County Commission, Committee, or Board?
When vacancies occur on commissions, committees, and boards over which the Board of Supervisors has the appointing authority, the vacancies are publicly advertised in accordance with State law and County Policy, and posted online as well. These Notices of Vacancy include instructions on applying for these positions within a specified timeframe by sending a letter of interest to the Clerk of the Board's Office. The Clerk of the Board will not accept letters received past the specified deadlines, or letters otherwise received when recruitments are not currently underway. For more information, contact the Assistant Clerk of the Board at 760.878.0373 or dellis@inyocounty.us.
Clerk of the Board
224 N. Edwards St.
Independence, CA93526
United States
P.O. Drawer N
Independence, CA93526
United States
Clerk of the Board
224 N. Edwards St.
Independence, CA93526
United States
P.O. Drawer N
Independence, CA93526
United States