Publications, Reports, Plans & Proclamations

News Items: Publications, Reports, Plans & Proclamations

Close up of interior of a corroded pipe
March 6, 2024Funding for Improvements Will Help Further Wildfire Protection Efforts As part of its mission to help strengthen wildfire response…
White globe with colorful text and phrases like strategic, planning, organization, statement, vision, goals.
An online survey is still available for members of the public to offer ideas, recommendations, and feedback on potential projects and which efforts…

2023 Runoff Emergency: Frequently Asked Questions

Press Releases

Requesting Copies of Board of Supervisors Documents

Multi-sized spiral-bound reports sticking out from bottom level of book shelf.

Requests for copies of public records maintained by the Clerk of the Board may be submitted in writing, in person, electronically, or over the telephone to the Assistant Clerk of the Board: 

P.O. Drawer N (mail)

224 N. Edwards St. (street)

Independence, CA 93526


Please note that under Government Code 6253(b), agencies may charge for the "direct costs" for providing copies of an identifiable record. More information is available at the link below.