Text or call 2-1-1 for Current COVID-19 Information
INYO COUNTY, March 30, 2020 – The County of Inyo is excited to announce a new text and live calling platform for Inyo County residents: 211 is the go-to public phone number to get accurate information about COVID-19.
If you live within the Inyo County boundary, and have a question that you need answered – you can call 211 or text 211-211. The public can expect to hear from a live person at the 211 call center; calls will be answered at all hours of the day, every day.
The call center staff has constantly-updated local information from Inyo County officials and can get you the latest information whenever you need it. Bilingual staff is available as well.
211 is a partner in emergency response, providing reliable and accessible information during rapidly changing conditions. The County of Inyo is committed to keeping the public up to date with the most accurate and timely information.
All COVID-19 Updates and Press Releases can be found by visiting: https://www.inyocounty.us/covid-19