
The Board of Supervisors - by virtue of State law, County ordinance, or Board Order - has appointing authority over a number of local committees, commissions, boards of directors, and boards of trustees. These entities range from the Bishop Rural Fire Protection District and local cemetery districts, to the Water Commission, Planning Commission, and Inyo Fish and Wildlife Commission, to the Eastern Sierra Area Agency on Aging Advisory Board and Northern and Southern Inyo Airport advisory committees. The Board makes its appointments in accordance with the County's Appointment Policy, with some exceptions where County Code or other statute outline a different appointment procedure.

Additionally, members of the Board of Supervisors are themselves appointed each year to serve on a variety of local, regional, state, and national committees, subcommittees, commissions and boards of directors for organizations and other agencies large and small. Appointments to these various committees are made in January every year through a vote of the Board, based on nominations from the new Chairperson.

Some of the appointments "overlap," so to speak. For example, the Board appoints members to the Inyo Fish and Wildlife Commission, and a Board member is also appointed to the Commission each year to represent the Board of Supervisors in a non-voting capacity.